Where: Italy – Perugia (ECIPA Umbria Headquarters)
When: November 2019
Duration: 1 day / work (excluding round trips)
Participants: For each hosted partner n. 2 staff members (1 Project Manager + 1 Resp. administrative) + n. 3/4 staff for the host partner (1 technical coordinator + 1 administrative coordinator + 1 institutional / legal representative + 1 technician with organizational coordination functions).
-Start of interpersonal relationships and exchange and networking actions between partners
-Presentation of partners, their projects and experiences and expectations for the project
-Presentation, sharing and comparison of the EXECUTIVE PLAN for Management, Monitoring and Communication
-Sharing and definition of the Project AGENDA (Time-table)
-Sharing and definition of the administrative planning and financial management procedures of the project
-Sharing of common management documentation (models) and communication procedures and internal management of reports
-Presentation of the Brand / Logo of the Project
-Definition and sharing of the Project Launch actions
-Any other business
Deliverables: minutes, attendance register, audio and video recordings, photos and images, communication and internal information material
Responsible partner of the organization: ECIPA Umbria (Applicant)

2nd T.P.M. – Intermediate meeting

Where: Romania – Bucharest (CNCRNC Headquarters)
When: October 2020
Duration: 1 days of work (excluding round trips)
Participants: the hosted partners n. 2 staff members (1 technical coordinator + 1 administrative coordinator) + n. 3/4 staff for the host partner (1 technical coordinator + 1 administrative coordinator + 1 institutional / legal representative + 1 technician with organizational coordination functions).
-Presentation Report on the Progress of Experimental Actions (Intermediate Experimental Evaluation)
-Presentation and sharing of the interim financial report of the project
-Presentation and sharing of the Interim Evaluation and Monitoring Report on project results and quality
-Possible comparison on critical and problematic situations and identification of the Miscellaneous possible solutions
Deliverables: report, attendance register, audio and video recordings, photos and images, communication and internal information material, Report on the progress of experimental actions (LABS), Intermediate financial report, Interim evaluation and monitoring report on results and the quality of the project
Responsible partner: CNCRNC

3rd T.P.M. – Final meeting

When: September 2021
Where: Poland – Poznan (TEB headquarters)
Duration: 3 days of work (excluding round trips)
Participants: hosted partner n. 2 staff members (1 technical coordinator + 1 administrative coordinator) + n. 3/4 staff for the host partner (1 technical coordinator + 1 administrative coordinator + 1 institutional / legal representative + 1 technician with organizational coordination functions).
-Discussion and comparison on the level of final satisfaction of the partners regarding the development of the project through guided questionnaires
-Presentation, sharing and definition of the Final Financial Report
-Collection of financial reporting documents and simulation of the same Presentation and sharing of the final output of the Lab activity
-Presentation and sharing of the Final Evaluation and Monitoring Report
-Presentation and sharing of the final impact assessment report
-Sharing and operational planning of the final dissemination actions of the project results
-Comparison and sharing on transferability and project sustainability strategies
-Signing of Recommendations for the transferability and sustainability of project results Possible comparison on critical and problematic situations and identification of solutions Miscellaneous
Deliverables: minutes, attendance register, audio and video recordings, photos and images, communication and internal information material, Final Financial report, materials and reporting tools for simulation, Final Evaluation Report for learning outcomes, Final monitoring report and Evaluation Document, Presentation of the Methodological Guidelines, Final Impact Assessment Report, Key Reccomandation.
Responsible partner: TEB (P4)

Categorie: Meeting